Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Issues of Abortion and Gay Marriage Essay -- Abortion Political Ga

The Issues of Abortion and Gay Marriage The issues of abortion and gay marriage rights were issues that were fought over constantly by Liberals and Conservatives in the last elections. Both parties had different ways of looking at these problems, hence they both had different ideas as to how we could solve these problems. The Conservatives tended to take a more traditional stance, whereas the Liberals were set on pursuing the problem with new age solutions. The issue of gay marriage is a rather new controversy that has only become disputed in the last decade. In a changing world gay marriage is now a huge issue that must be dealt with. The gay community believes that the 14th amendment permits gay marriage, but the law heeds to reflect this. Whereas the anti-same-sex marriage advocates are working to amend the constitution to make same sex marriage illegal. Because of the rising numbers in people who believe strongly on either side of this conflict, this has now become a national issue. Before the recent elections gay marriage was a states issue. Now that Bush is elected, he plans to make gay marriage illegal nationwide, and ban all gay unions. The other huge issue, which was brought up frequently during the race for the presidential election, was that of abortion. Abortion has always been a very controversial issue between people of different moral and religious beliefs. Because some religions consider abortion as the same thing as murdering a person, and some believe that it is ok because the fetus is not yet born, this issue has been very tough to come to a compromise. Before the most recent election occurred, abortion was a states issue. But now that Bush has been elected abortion will now become ... ...y as Burke shows when he states, â€Å"As the ends of such a partnership (social contract) cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born†(Reflections on the Revolution in France 150). This quote actually literally points out that the right of life that is included in the social contract apply to everybody including the unborn. We have now seen the different ideologies towards current issues here in America, broken down by both past and present liberalists and conservatives. Though both sometimes tend to overlap on certain political principles, both philosophies derive from very different backgrounds and ideals. As time progresses, both ideologies will continue to evolve, at different paces mind you, and on different tangents.

Friday, January 17, 2020

My Mom Is My Greatest Influence College Essay

I’ve learned through the eyes of my mother that life isn’t easy. My mother has come a long way after losing her mother at a very young age and growing up with her father and grandmother and five siblings, one being a twin. My mom’s dad had to make sacrifices while raising my mom and her siblings; it wasn’t easy growing up without her mother, my mom put herself through college with the help of her dad. My mom has a successful career and is married and is raising a happy family. Initially I thought of a celebrity as a person with the most influence in my life, but as I thought about it, I realized my mother has had the most influence in my life, always smiling, laughing and having fun. When my mother is around it’s always a fun time with her, sometimes I have to say â€Å"ok, mom enough† and we laugh. My mother is always lifting others up and she always has an encouraging word for someone. My mother by far has had the greatest and most lasting impact on me; she is always there for me and has never let me down. My mother is the epitome of what it means to love unconditionally. She loves my siblings and I no matter what we do; she is always there for us and always gives us an encouraging word or quoting a verse from the Bible. My mother is the most caring person that I know, always helping people and praying for those in need. My mother would give her last to someone who needs it, especially if it means making his or her life easier. My mother would go as far as helping out her worst enemy, which I don’t think I could do, when I listen to my mom on the telephone sometimes she always has a positive attitude about everything regardless of what’s going on in her life. She is always willing to volunteer and help the needy. In her limited free time, my mom enjoys running marathons in order to raise money for charities she supports. She raised over $3,000 for the cancer society when she ran her first marathon on behalf of my godmother who has breast cancer. My mom will be running her 8th marathon this year and only God knows whom she will be raising money for. My mom will always try to crack a joke when she knows I’m not having a good day. My mom will tease me until I actually laughed and then she will say, â€Å"at least I made you laugh† and we would both laugh at that time. My mom is a very caring person and she always goes out of her way to make someone else’s day brighter even if she isn’t having a good day. My friends love my mom because she is always laughing and doing whatever she can to help others. A few weeks ago a friend of mine was having some problems at home and she needed a ride to work. My mom picked my friend up everyday from school, then dropped her off at work and then went back and took her home. She told my friend that she was there for her and she wanted her to talk to her parents and tell them how she feels. My mom wasn’t trying to cause any problems between my friend and her parents; she just wanted to help. As usual my mom told my friend she needs to pray and ask God for direction and guidance on how she can talk to her parents. My friends say I am just like my mother, and not to mention, we look just alike. I don’t think that is true, I can be funny like my mom sometimes but my mom is an exceptional lady and I think everyone should be able to look up to her. My mom never gets tired of giving and doing for others, even though her life wasn’t a bed of roses, she never let anything get her down in spite of the trials and tribulations she faced. My mom keeps the faith no matter what and for that one reason; my mother is the greatest influence in my life.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Do Ann Coulters Quotes Reveal a Racist Streak

Ann Coulter is no stranger to controversy, given that her comments about a variety of marginalized groups have led to accusations that shes racist, xenophobic, and bigoted. The conservative pundit, author, and commentator has repeatedly sparked scandal because of questionable remarks she’s made about Jews, blacks, Latinos, and immigrants. Here is a highlight of some of the most inflammatory comments shes made about race and ethnicity during her years in the spotlight: Hispanics Are on Welfare Having Illegitimate Babies A month after  Mitt Romney  lost the 2012 presidential race to Barack Obama, Coulter penned a  column  that largely blamed Latinos for his loss. She argued that no amount of Republican outreach to Hispanics would ever be effective because Latinos, which she called Mexicos underclass, are lacking in character. â€Å"Any election analysis that doesn’t deal with the implacable fact of America’s changing demographics is bound to be wrong, Coulter said. Perhaps the reason elections maven Michael Barone was so shockingly off in his election prediction this year was that, in the biggest mistake of his career, Barone has been assuring us for years that most of these Third World immigrants pouring into the country would go the way of Italian immigrants and become Republicans. They’re hardworking! They have family values! Maybe at first, but not after coming here, having illegitimate children and going on welfare.† Latinos not only said that Coulter’s description of Latinos was flat out wrong, they also demanded that she apologize for her incendiary statements. Liberals Destroyed the Black Family It’s no secret that African Americans overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Coulter, however,  argues  in her 2012 book, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama, that liberals have caused the downfall of the black family after once helping African Americans overcome segregation and fight for civil rights. â€Å"Instead of going through the hard knocks education of the Irish immigrants or Italian immigrants, liberals rush in to help and their help was to destroy the black family,† Coulter writes. â€Å"You had a strong tradition of marriage in the black family and what ruined it? Liberals helping, liberals helping, liberals ministering to black people—not because they care about black people. They care about government workers and solid Democratic voters.† Her analysis overlooks the impact racism, unemployment, poverty, and other social issues have had on the so-called destruction of the black family. Of course, many black families are going strong, but focusing on them would undermine Coulters thesis. Our Blacks Are Better Than Yours During an appearance on â€Å"The Sean Hannity Show† in 2011, Coulter discussed then-Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. She criticized liberals for overlooking Cain’s strengths because â€Å"all they see is a conservative black man,† she  said. â€Å"That’s why our blacks are so much better than their blacks. To become a black Republican you don’t just roll into it. You’re not going with the flow. You have fought against probably your family members, probably your neighbors, you have thought everything out and that’s why we have very impressive blacks in our party.† Coulter’s repeated use of the possessive â€Å"our† raised eyebrows. Her phrasing seemed to indicate that blacks were property of some sort rather than unique individuals. Neither the Democratic Party nor the GOP owns African Americans, after all. Jews Need to Be Perfected After a 2009 appearance on Donny Deutsch’s show â€Å"The Big Idea,† Coulter suffered a public backlash when she remarked that  Jews would be â€Å"perfected†Ã‚  once they became Christians. Not only did Deutsch, a Jew, tell Coulter that he found her remark offensive, Jewish groups accused her of anti-Semitism. â€Å"Ms. Coulters assertion that Jews are somehow religiously imperfect smacks of the most odious anti-Jewish sentiment,† said American Jewish Committee President Richard Sideman. Immigration Equals the Destruction of America Immigration is a particular sticking point for Coulter. In a 2007 column called  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Bush’s America: Roach Motel,†Ã‚  she likened immigration into the United States to white genocide while criticizing George W. Bush’s amnesty plan for immigrants. In her 2015 book, â€Å"Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn our Country into a Third World Hellhole,† she asserts that immigrants aren’t looking to assimilate and live free, they’re looking for handouts. And to commit crimes. â€Å"America is just bringing in a lot of rapists.† Furthermore, any increase in the number of refugees into the United States can only lead to its destruction. â€Å"In Trump We Trust,† published in 2016, Coulter writes of Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s suggestion that there’s plenty of room in the middle of the United States to take in more refugees: â€Å"Illiterate peasants from autocratic societies, who have absolutely no idea what they’re voting for, can be instructed to learn certain symbols and block vote for the Democrats. Wrecking the country is coming up roses for Albright personally.† What Coulter ignores, however, is that America is not defined by a single race of people. It is a nationality and one that is available to anyone who wants to make a better life for themselves. Furthermore, there is no credible evidence to suggest that immigrants commit more crimes than native-born or naturalized Americans. Wrapping Up Collectively, Ann Coulters quotes reveal a woman who harbors an extreme bias against blacks, Latinos, and Jews. Her views are highly unoriginal and echo longstanding racist rhetoric that suggests that minorities are not as hardworking, moral, or trustworthy as whites. Although her comments are highly offensive, they havent stopped Coulter from enjoying wide success as a conservative pundit, which not only speaks volumes about the state of the nation in general but about the state of the GOP in particular.